Sunday, July 10, 2005

Ecological Footprint

Originally uploaded by p2son.
Home at last! Been on the road since June 21. Survived the airports, the high gas prices, the crappy fast food, and the dinosaurs.

Since I left, my mail piled up, and my kitchen got removed. Long story, but I do have more wall space to decorate but no more stove, sink or frig.

Now the question is how do I live without a kitchen?

I've been thinking about my Ecological Footprint. I took the test and got a 22 which means that if everyone lived like I did, we would need 5 planet earths to sustain us all.

And I thought I was doing well.

I am a vegan. I walk when I can. I don't own a TV or microwave or dishwasher. I recycle (well, sometimes) and compost (kinda).

Well, I am seriously considering living without a car. Since I live in a city with some public transit, it would not be impossible. I'd save money on gas and burn off those fast food calories. Ah, but how will I ever outrun those pesky dinosaurs?


At 2:52 AM , Blogger Willie Hewes said...

Ha, I did better. I need only 1.7 planets to sustain myself. :D

:( That's still a lot isn't it? Guess it's because I don't drive... Don't score well on the food part though. Damned chips and chicken!

Not having a kitchen must be liberating. So much less cleaning to do! XD


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